# Control Panel Services

# GET /api/dashboard/dashboards

Gets the list of dashboards or control panels that the user has access to according to his role.

# Parameters:

  • token - user token returned from POST /api/user/login.
  • language - language for response translations.
  • page_size - page size (custom).
  • page_token - page token (optional to get a specific page).
  • role_uuid - uuid of the current role
  • role_id - id of current role

# Body of the Petitión:


# Example of a Call:

curl --silent --location --request GET 'https://api.erpya.com/api/adempiere/dashboard/dashboards?token=%3Ctoken-generated-for-demo-api%3E&language=es&role_id=1000000&role_uuid=f855ca25-07b2-4760-aec6-676db1a5cb19'

# Response Body:

	"code": 200,
	"result": {
		"record_count": 0,
		"next_page_token": "",
		"records": [
				"window_uuid": "",
				"browser_uuid": "",
				"dashboard_name": "Favorites (User)",
				"dashboard_description": "User's Favorites Menu Display",
				"dashboard_html": "",
				"column_no": 0,
				"line_no": 1,
				"is_collapsible": true,
				"is_open_by_default": true,
				"is_event_required": false,
				"file_name": "userfavorites"
				"window_uuid": "",
				"browser_uuid": "",
				"dashboard_name": "Recent Items",
				"dashboard_description": "Recent items",
				"dashboard_html": "",
				"column_no": 0,
				"line_no": 2,
				"is_collapsible": true,
				"is_open_by_default": true,
				"is_event_required": false,
				"file_name": "recentItems"

# Response Codes:

  • 200 when successful
  • 500 in case of error

# User Control Panel Service

# GET /api/dashboard/addons/user/favorites

Favorites list

# Parameters:

token - user token returned from POST /api/user/login. language - language for response translations. page_size - size of pagination lists. page_token - token the page number. user_uuid - user uuid. user_id - user id.

# Body of the Petitión:


# Example of a Call:

curl --silent --location --request GET 'https://api.erpya.com/api/adempiere/dashboard/addons/user/favorites?token=%3Ctoken-generated-for-demo-api%3E&language=es&user_uuid=901d9a74-6334-4309-aa8a-6d5b39d8ceb1'}'

# Response Body:

    "code": 200,
    "result": {
        "record_count": 0,
        "next_page_token": "",
        "records": []

# Response Codes:

  • 200 when successful
  • 500 in case of error

# GET /api/dashboard/addons/user/recent-items

Gets the list of recent items accessed by the user and/or role.

# Parameters:

  • token - user token returned from POST /api/user/login.
  • language - language for response translations.
  • page_size - page size (custom).
  • page_token - page token (optional to get a specific page).
  • user_uuid - user's uuid
  • role_uuid - role uuid
  • current_session - is current session

# Body of the Petitión:


# Example of a Call:

curl --silent --location --request GET 'https://api.erpya.com/api/adempiere/dashboard/addons/user/recent-items?token=%3Ctoken-generated-for-demo-api%3E&language=es&user_uuid=5adc9357-9158-40fe-86f1-4ce383586f5b&role_uuid=f855ca25-07b2-4760-aec6-676db1a5cb19&current_session=true'

# Response Body:

    "code": 200,
    "result": {
        "record_count": 0,
        "next_page_token": "",
        "records": [
                "menu_uuid": "8e50f316-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Documentos por Pagar",
                "menu_description": "Entrar Facturas de Proveedor",
                "window_uuid": "a520e312-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a4a0f22e-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 318,
                "table_name": "C_Invoice",
                "id": 1000571,
                "uuid": "231c7841-3ffb-424b-8ac6-e73529cf3ffa",
                "display_name": "Documentos por Pagar: _1000136_13/05/2021_6000000",
                "updated": "2021-05-14T12:24:50.632Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a520e312-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "f478f578-8356-11e9-bd5a-fb093b8e4611",
                "menu_name": "Referencia de Adjunto",
                "menu_description": "Usado para guardar referencia de todos los adjuntos",
                "window_uuid": "f5cd4e3e-8355-11e9-9bb0-7317b9981235",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Referencia de Adjunto",
                "updated": "2021-05-14T07:36:33.655Z",
                "reference_uuid": "f5cd4e3e-8355-11e9-9bb0-7317b9981235",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e529554-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Mantenimiento del Árbol",
                "menu_description": "Mantener árboles",
                "window_uuid": "a520e6be-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Mantenimiento del Árbol",
                "updated": "2021-05-14T07:27:21.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "8e4266e8-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "X"
                "menu_uuid": "94f41bb2-57bb-432f-a22a-488cbf82dc87",
                "menu_name": "Check Price",
                "menu_description": "Check Product Price and values",
                "window_uuid": "a5219b72-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Check Price",
                "updated": "2021-05-14T07:26:54.179Z",
                "reference_uuid": "5aacaab1-1ba0-4cf0-992a-0da34c460ffe",
                "action": "X"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50d7c8-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Órdenes de Venta",
                "menu_description": "Entrar y cambiar ordenes de ventas",
                "window_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a49ff9be-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 259,
                "table_name": "C_Order",
                "id": 1000613,
                "uuid": "9f47d337-ebb7-45d6-ac88-fdd26978ac89",
                "display_name": "Órdenes de Venta: _OVN-62_13/05/2021",
                "updated": "2021-05-14T07:26:05.771Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e5215a2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Punto de Venta",
                "menu_description": "Terminal de Punto de Venta",
                "window_uuid": "a520d304-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Punto de Venta",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T21:28:56.432Z",
                "reference_uuid": "8e427700-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "X"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50f4ec-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Sesión",
                "menu_description": "Lista sesiones de usuario",
                "window_uuid": "a521a9e6-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Sesión",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T20:59:06.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a521a9e6-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e51992e-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Documentos por Cobrar",
                "menu_description": "Entrar factura de cliente",
                "window_uuid": "a5220bac-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a4a10c8c-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 318,
                "table_name": "C_Invoice",
                "id": 1000551,
                "uuid": "b30e9000-4364-4224-b55a-51235e2a80a1",
                "display_name": "Documentos por Cobrar: _AJDCCXC-5_12/05/2021_4800000.00",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:43:30.238Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5220bac-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "f3426278-12c9-11e9-86d6-03910c824783",
                "menu_name": "Calendario de RRHH",
                "menu_description": "Mantenimiento de Calendario de RRHH",
                "window_uuid": "1bb347f6-12c8-11e9-ab6d-af84ed4eb83b",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Calendario de RRHH",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:07:28.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "1bb347f6-12c8-11e9-ab6d-af84ed4eb83b",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "f2bf71a6-12c9-11e9-86d2-8f4ce3157106",
                "menu_name": "Incidencia de Nómina",
                "menu_description": "Incidencia de Nómina",
                "window_uuid": "c31e4ff0-12c7-11e9-a96e-23babc97a8af",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Incidencia de Nómina",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:06:53.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "c31e4ff0-12c7-11e9-a96e-23babc97a8af",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50e75e-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Posición",
                "menu_description": "Mantener posiciones.",
                "window_uuid": "a5213cfe-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Posición",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:04:07.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5213cfe-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50e7ae-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Categoría de Posición",
                "menu_description": "Categoría de posición",
                "window_uuid": "a5213dc6-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Categoría de Posición",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:03:58.448Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5213dc6-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e5267f0-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Procesar Nómina",
                "menu_description": "El procesamiento de nómina es usado para procesar una nómina, se puede calcular para un empleado o todos",
                "window_uuid": "",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Procesar Nómina",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T19:03:42.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a42c65f8-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "P"
                "menu_uuid": "8e52b5a2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Imprimir/Exportar Pagos",
                "menu_description": "Imprimir o exportar sus pagos",
                "window_uuid": "",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Imprimir/Exportar Pagos",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T18:36:59.021Z",
                "reference_uuid": "8e426968-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "X"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50bafe-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Selección de Pago",
                "menu_description": "Seleccionar facturas para pago",
                "window_uuid": "a5210e14-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a49ffd74-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 426,
                "table_name": "C_PaySelection",
                "id": 1000045,
                "uuid": "a6589b06-37e5-4bcf-9c6b-63b0d461c029",
                "display_name": "Selección de Pago: _1000035_8841057.68",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T18:34:49.680Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5210e14-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50bbda-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Proceso Nómina",
                "menu_description": "Proceso Nómina",
                "window_uuid": "a521a356-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a4a1ee54-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 53092,
                "table_name": "HR_Process",
                "id": 1000046,
                "uuid": "58c5096d-f83f-48f0-9703-6a50c611aa01",
                "display_name": "Proceso Nómina: _NQ-11_Nómina Quincenal",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T18:25:17.130Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a521a356-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e516756-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Tipo de Recurso de Manufactura",
                "menu_description": "Mantener tipos de recursos",
                "window_uuid": "a5212994-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Tipo de Recurso de Manufactura",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T18:07:35.706Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5212994-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e5100f4-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Pago/Cobro",
                "menu_description": "Procesar Pagos y Cobros",
                "window_uuid": "a5211e40-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "a4a3907e-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "table_id": 335,
                "table_name": "C_Payment",
                "id": 1000223,
                "uuid": "9bd31f95-b903-4397-8973-1b0c9dfb85e7",
                "display_name": "Pago/Cobro: _CCxCN-123_30/03/2021_100.00",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T17:36:06.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a5211e40-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e50d818-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Categoría de Producto",
                "menu_description": "Mantener categorías de producto",
                "window_uuid": "a520fdde-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Categoría de Producto",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T16:42:41.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a520fdde-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"
                "menu_uuid": "8e51318c-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "menu_name": "Producción",
                "menu_description": "Producción basada en Lista de Partes",
                "window_uuid": "a520e88a-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "tab_uuid": "",
                "table_id": 0,
                "table_name": "",
                "id": 0,
                "uuid": "",
                "display_name": "Producción",
                "updated": "2021-05-13T16:41:05.000Z",
                "reference_uuid": "a520e88a-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "action": "W"

# Response Codes:

  • 200 when successful
  • 500 in case of error

# Task Control Panel Service

# GET /api/dashboard/addons/tasks/pending-documents

Gets the list of pending documents.

# Parameters:

  • token - user token returned from POST /api/user/login.
  • language - language for response translations.
  • page_size - size of page (customized)
  • page_token - token of page (optional for get a specific page)
  • user_uuid - uuid of current user
  • user_id - id of current user
  • role_uuid - uuid of current role
  • role_id - id of current rol

# Body of the Petitión:


# Example of a Call:

curl --silent --location --request GET 'https://api.erpya.com/api/adempiere/dashboard/addons/tasks/pending-documents?token=%3Ctoken-generated-for-demo-api%3E&language=es&user_uuid=5adc9357-9158-40fe-86f1-4ce383586f5b&role_uuid=f855ca25-07b2-4760-aec6-676db1a5cb19&current_session=true'

# Response Body:

    "code": 200,
    "result": {
        "record_count": 0,
        "next_page_token": "",
        "records": [
                "window_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Venta (A Granel) Pendientes por Cerrar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 0,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "C_Order",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "C_Order.IsSOTrx='Y' \nAND C_Order.DocStatus = 'CO'\nAND EXISTS(SELECT 1 \n    FROM C_OrderLine ol \n    WHERE ol.C_Order_ID = C_Order.C_Order_ID\n    AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM M_Product p WHERE p.M_Product_ID = ol.M_Product_ID AND p.IsBulkProduct = 'Y')\n    AND ol.QtyInvoiced <> 0\n    AND ol.QtyDelivered <> 0\n    AND ol.QtyOrdered <> ol.QtyInvoiced\n    AND ol.QtyOrdered <> ol.QtyDelivered\n)",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Venta Pendientes por Facturar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 16,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "C_Order",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "C_Order.IsSOTrx='Y' \nAND C_Order.DocStatus = 'CO'\nAND EXISTS(SELECT 1 \n    FROM C_OrderLine ol \n    WHERE ol.C_Order_ID = C_Order.C_Order_ID\n    AND ol.QtyOrdered <> ol.QtyInvoiced\n)",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Venta Pendientes por Entregar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 23,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "C_Order",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "C_Order.IsSOTrx='Y' \nAND C_Order.DocStatus = 'CO'\nAND EXISTS(SELECT 1 \n    FROM C_OrderLine ol \n    WHERE ol.C_Order_ID = C_Order.C_Order_ID\n    AND ol.QtyOrdered <> ol.QtyDelivered\n)",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a52203d2-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
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                "document_name": "Órdenes de Venta Pendientes por Completar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 284,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "C_Order",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "C_Order.IsSOTrx='Y' AND C_Order.Processed='N' AND C_Order.DocStatus NOT IN('VO')",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a521f112-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Producción por Completar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 0,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "M_ProductionBatch",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "M_ProductionBatch.Processed = 'N'",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a521f112-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Producción por Ejecutar",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 1,
                "criteria": {
                    "table_name": "M_ProductionBatch",
                    "query": "",
                    "where_clause": "M_ProductionBatch.DocStatus = 'CO'\nAND COALESCE(M_ProductionBatch.TargetQty, 0) > 0 \nAND COALESCE(M_ProductionBatch.QtyOrdered, 0) = 0",
                    "order_by_clause": "",
                    "reference_uuid": "",
                    "filters": [],
                    "values": [],
                    "order_by_columns": [],
                    "limit": 0
                "window_uuid": "a521f112-fb40-11e8-a479-7a0060f0aa01",
                "form_uuid": "",
                "document_name": "Órdenes de Producción Abiertas",
                "document_description": "",
                "sequence": 0,
                "record_count": 2,
                "criteria": {
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