# Image Service

# GET /adempiere-api/img

Get Image.

# Parameters:

  • token - user token getted from POST /api/user/login (Mandatory).
  • language - language from client.
  • action - una de las operaciones soportadas por Imageable: recortar, ajustar, redimensionar, identificar (para obtener los datos EXIF de la imagen).
  • width - a numeric value of the picure width - to be "resized", "cropped" ... regarding the operation parameter. height - a numeric value of the picure height - to be "resized", "cropped" ... regarding the operation parameter. regarding the operation parameter.
  • operation - one of the operations supported by Imageable: crop, fit, resize, identify (to get the picture EXIF data).

# Request Body:


# Call example:

curl --silent --location --request GET 'https://api.erpya.com/api/img?action=fit&width=100&height=100&url=4c374d54-0e21-4a2f-9e18-9b03b22b5d6c-chavo_crop1595979643620.jpg_1902800913.jpg'

# Response Body: