# Activity

The component "Activity" is a change log that saves all the changes made in the window records, indicating the business partner who made the change, the field that was modified with its previous value and its value current, the exact date and time in which it was performed.

# ADempiere-ZK version

ZK Desktop Version Changelog

# ADempiere-Vue version

Activity in Mobile and Desktop Version

# Where it is located?

It is located in the second tab of the window displayed by the icon "i", located in the central right part of the ADempiere windows.

# What is it for?

It is used to consult the detailed information of the updates that are made to the ADempiere windows registers.

# Functions or Observations


The detailed information of the changes is displayed by date and time according to user.

# How is it used in the Desktop version?

In the desktop version, click on the icon "i", located in the central right part of the ADempiere windows, to view the window displayed by it and finally select the tab "Activity", to access all the changes made to the window's registry.

# How is it used in the mobile version?

In the mobile version, it must be positioned at the bottom of the window to view the "Notes" and "Activity" tabs, then select the "Activity" tab, to access all changes made to the window registry.

# Developer Options

The Activity panel is located in the icon on the right side of the navigation bar.

    └─ src                              # Main source code
        └── components                  # Global components
                └─ADempiere             # ADempiere specific components
                    └── containerInfo   # Record Information Container
                        └── recordLogs  # Record Logs

The Activity service consumption call can be found in the following path:

└─ src                      # Main source code.
    └─ api                  # Global services.
        └─ ADempiere        # Main directory of role services.
            └─ windows      # Main directory of role services.

The services called from the component are
POST /adempiere-api/logs/list-entity-logs