# Information

It allows obtaining the necessary information of the field, in it is detailed the name of the field, its description and a descriptive help so that the user can better understand the behavior of said field.

# ADempiere-ZK version

Information in ZK Desktop Version

# ADempiere-Vue version

Information in Mobile and Desktop Version

Selecting the component automatically displays the field information. When the field is of type "Selection", the component shows the option to zoom in on the window where the record for said field is located or was created.

# Where it is located?

It is located in the different fields that the ADempiere windows contain.

# What is it for?

It is used to consult the information of the field, as well as its functionality.

# Functions or Observations


By default, the component contains the information in the following order

  • Field Name
  • Description
  • Help
  • Zoom in option (depending on the type of field)

# How is it used in the Desktop version?

In the desktop version, click on the field to view the menu displayed by it, then select the option "Information" to view the field information.

# How is it used in the mobile version?

In the mobile version, click on the field to view the menu displayed by it, then select the option "Information" to view the information of the field.