# Refresh

It allows updating the records of the fields contained in the window where the option is selected.

# ADempiere-ZK version

Upgrade in ZK Desktop Version

# ADempiere-UI version

Update in Desktop Version

This option is used mostly in windows that contain included processes, from which the information is loaded into them. Additionally, it is used to refresh the information entered in the different fields of the windows.

# Where it is located?

It is located in the menu displayed when you click on the name of a window.

# What is it for?

It is used to refresh the records of the fields of the windows.

# Functions or Observations


When a search is made for the records contained in a certain window, filtering by a specific record. By clicking on the window name and selecting the update option, the search performed is updated.

# How is it used in the Desktop version?

Click on the name of the window and select the option "Update" in the displayed menu.